A Call to All Souls

(Joel 2:16)

“I beseech You to cast Your Divine glance upon a vast number of LITTLE SOULS. I beg You to choose in this world a multitude of little victims worthy of Your Love.”
St. Therese of the Child Jesus and of the Holy Face


“Yes, she [St. Therese] invites all LITTLE SOULS to follow her – the LITTLEST SOULS that cannot lift themselves to the flight of eagles.”
– Ven. Mária Margit Bogner

Who are the Littlest Souls?
The term “littlest souls,” as found in the writings of Sr. Consolata Betrone, refers to a specific form of the little way. This blog uses the term in a broader sense; “… to remain little,” says St. Therese, “is to recognize one’s nothingness, [and to] expect all things from the good God just as a little child expects all things from its father…” Our Lady is a perfect example of such littleness; she is truly ‘poor in spirit’ (Mt. 5:3).

The “littlest souls” may also be very weak, imperfect souls (Our Lady is not little in this sense). This is no cause for discouragement; God desires to work miracles of grace in such souls. The weaker we are, the greater our need and right to trust in God’s omnipotent love.

Why this Blog?
The ultimate purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to encourage souls to abandon themselves without reserve to Merciful Love. To that end, St. Therese and a number of other “little souls” have been chosen as the patrons of this blog. Follow their “little way,” which is “all confidence and love” (St. Therese) – “the confidence that expects everything and receives everything” (Our Lord to Mother Marie Madeleine Ponnet). Imitate their littleness and “depend on Love for everything as a little babe depends on its mother” (Jesus to Sr. Benigna Consolata). They are sure guides. Seek their intercession. Immerse yourself in their writings (some of which can be found on ‘Littlest Souls’). 200px-Pope-benedict-xv-02-1-

“In spiritual childhood,” declared Pope Benedict XV (d. 1922), “is the secret of sanctity for all the faithful of the Catholic World – there is a call to all the faithful of every nation, no matter what their age, sex, or state of life, to enter wholeheartedly into the little way which led Sister Therese to the summit of heroic virtue.” ‘Amen I say to you, unless you be converted, and become as little children, you shall not enter into the kingdom of Heaven’ (Mt. 18:3). “Give up your own will,” said Our Lady to St. Bridget of Sweden, “if you want to be little.”

“I want you to be very little,
because when you are little, I carry you close to My Heart.”
– Jesus to St. Faustina

“You can do nothing [Jn. 15:5], but I am here, I Who can do all [Mt. 19:26]. Therefore I wish to act in you after My good pleasure, for My glory and for your profit.”
– Jesus to St. Veronica Giuliani

– Jesus to Mother Anne–Margaret Clement

A Call to Souls


“You will help me to shower roses on the Earth.”
– St. Therese to Yvonne-Aimee

“Ah! if only they knew My Heart,” lamented Our Lord to Sr. Josefa Menendez; “mankind is ignorant of Its mercy and goodness: that is My greatest sorrow… I want to forgive. I want to reign over souls and pardon all nations. I want to rule souls, nations, the whole world.”

“I have immense treasures of grace for all,” said Our Lord to Sr. Benigna Consolata Ferrero: “and whoever comes to Me shall be overwhelmed with them… Knowest thou what souls profit most by My goodness? Those who trust the most. Trusting souls are the robbers of My graces. Write that the pleasure I take in the trusting soul is inexpressible… Thou canst not believe, O Benigna, the pleasure I experience in the office of Saviour; it is My happiness; and I make the most beautiful masterpieces precisely from souls that I have drawn from the lowest things, from the mud, because I have more material to work upon… My Benigna, the thirst I experience of saving the greatest possible number of souls, impels Me to seel generous ones whom I can associate in My work of love.”

Sacred Heart - TurgisSr Benigna Consolata Ferrero 2“The world is running to the precipice, but I will stop it in its mad course with this little troop of generous souls who combat under My leadership.”

madre madalena
“… I often have the thought that I will be one of those blissful souls.”
– Ven. Maria Giuseppina Teresa Marcucci (d. 1960) 

[NB: – Generally, I have a very limited amount of time to devote to writing and compiling; I will post when I can.
– For personal reasons, I will henceforth rarely sign my name. I have also edited some past comments/posts for the sake of greater privacy.]

Meet some of the Littlest Souls: 

A Calendar of the Littlest Souls:

144 thoughts on “A Call to All Souls

  1. “Peace be to thee.”

    My brother, let the Lord give you His peace THROUGH MARY. Your image of Our Lord is tainted; She will fix it for you.

    In the Old Testament, God said: “Walk before Me, and be perfect.” Jesus says the same to you – Jesus “living in Mary,” that is. Ask Her to teach you about Her Beloved Son, Who IS the sanctity, the mercy, the love, the beauty of all the saints, but especially of Mary.

    I highly recommend reading the following (the favourite book of St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows):


    You have millions of friends in Heaven; turn to them as you would to the best of brothers, sisters, parents.

    Even if you had committed infinitely more (and worse) sins than you have, all God asks is a sincere confession. Most of all, He wants faith in His goodness. Without this, how can we please Him, seeing that we will be left to our own resources to the extent that we neglect HIS?

    Don’t listen to the enemy. All Jesus says (as does the Spirit and the Bride) is this: “COME!” You don’t need to prepare yourself to go to Him; to go to Him is the best preparation possible. “Walk before Me, and be perfect” – not, “Be perfect, and walk before Me.” Similarly, Hosea says that “They shall be converted that sit under His shadow” – not, “They who are converted shall sit under His shadow.”

    His love is the beginning and end of all good; immerse yourself in the wave of His grace, which will carry you to His Sacred Heart. It’s not difficult with a little practice. Just keep asking Him to draw you. He cannot refuse. The Father always gives the Good Spirit to those who ask. He is the Father of Mercies, remember. Mary is the Mother of Mercy. Jesus is Mercy.

    Be simple at confession: tell the priest your troubles and obey him simply. If you are perplexed, say so; if in darkness, say so.

    I will be praying that Our Lady takes your eyes off yourself and fixes them on Her eyes. Her gaze, Her smile, Her love heals souls, as it did St. Therese. She is the Mediatrix of all graces. This doctrine is one that you should consider very often. Jesus ALWAYS gives Himself to us through Mary. How can we fear Her? She loves to press us to Her bosom, at least in spirit. (Not all of us will be so lucky as St. Veronica Giuliani, to have this actual experience… in this life, at least.)

    Feel free to write again, if you desire to.


  2. Your answer is MARY.

    “Whence comes it that the majority of the conversions of sinners are not durable? Whence comes it that we so easily relapse into sin? Whence comes it that the greater part of the just, instead of advancing from virtue to virtue and acquiring new graces, often lose the little virtue and the little grace they have? This misfortune comes from the fact that man is so feeble and so inconstant, and yet trusts in himself, relies on his own strength, and believes himself capable of safeguarding the treasure of his graces, virtues, and merits.

    By Total Consecration we entrust all that we possess to the Blessed Virgin, who is faithful; we take Her for the universal depository of all our goods of nature and of grace. We say to Her as a good child to his mother, “I beseech you, receive in trust all that I possess, and keep it for me by your fidelity and power. If you keep it for me, I shall lose nothing; if you hold me up, I shall not fall; if you protect me, I shall be sheltered from my enemies.” (St. Louis Marie de Montfort)

    You are not alone. All of Heaven is on your side. Take heart! Be encouraged!


  3. Hello, I wrote a response to this same post a few months ago talking about the need for spiritual directors to deal with scruples.

    I wrote that post in a tone of some desperation, due to the situation I was experiencing regarding that. Several months have passed since then, as I say, and the truth is that everything has gotten much worse. After one last sacramental confession I made, I fell into a black hole. My days, for a long time now, consist of getting up and wasting time on the Internet until night falls. I stopped trying months ago. I would like to try to live a happy and normal Christian life, but the mere memory of the anxiety and stress I experienced trying to “be in grace” makes me very afraid of the sacrament of confession and the “Catholic” lifestyle. Having to go through the need to go to confession every week again because I went out and thought I committed a mortal sin because I neglected to do something just distresses me. It scares me because of the loneliness I feel. It scares me because of how alone and depressed I was. That is why for many months now I have been on pause from even trying to seek God. The only thing that ties me to that life is Sunday mass.

    The worst part is that even if I ignored what I feel, I still feel like it would be impossible for me to confess. I feel a lot of knots in my head. I began to have scruples for a long time about my life before being a “serious Catholic”, about the sins that I did not repair (for example slander or sins of omission) or situations in my current life that would perhaps make any confession I made invalid. I don’t even know if my previous confessions were valid. I also don’t know if I have enough “purpose of amendment” or the strength to face the supposed obligations that I have to fulfill to be a true Catholic in grace.

    Sometimes I am comforted by the idea that all of this is in my imagination and that none of these impediments are real and are simply temptations. I am also comforted by the idea that the minimum to live a Christian life is not that difficult. But I am also tortured by the idea that God is really like that, that everything I think is real, that this is being a “normal Catholic” and I just didn’t measure up, didn’t have enough of a prayer life, didn’t ask for enough graces to get through it, that I wasn’t man enough. I am tortured by the idea that such daily stress and anxiety is the cross that Jesus talks about in the gospels and that I will have to endure it all my life and that I will have to settle for fleeting little moments of happiness.

    I imagine you’re wondering what all this has to do with you or why I’m telling you all this, but part of my current misery is that I don’t have any help. I have no friends, nor do I have a spiritual director or anyone to consult or tell anything to.

    I don’t know what to do. I’ve been at this for a long time and I don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. Every time I see that cross of scruples (or of being Catholic?) heavier and harder and I increasingly weaker and further away from God. The truth is I never seriously thought about something tragic like apostasy or suicide, but I don’t know how to get out of this either and I’m completely alone and without the desire to do anything. Sorry for the long post. God bless you. Sorry if there are any errors, I took help from the translator.

  4. Hey Jason,

    I hope your Lent is going well thus far!

    Glad you have found some helpful stuff. I would love to share some resources about mental prayer, but I don’t have much on the topic, to tell the truth. Not at hand, at least.

    I tend to pray very simply: I ask Our Lady to be with me; I look at Her; I look at Jesus with Her, in Her; I look at Her in Jesus and with Jesus. You get the idea. Always with Jesus and Mary. They alone are able to love each other worthily. Her Heart was made for His.

    Prayer is ultimately fruitful when it leads us to God. Formulas are helpful if they help us to keep our eyes on Him; if not, they are a hindrance.

    If you want a simple little prayer to repeat often, ask Our Lady to direct you to one. Personally, I am a big fan of this one: “Jesus, Mary, I love You! Save souls!” I also like to repeat a prayer loved by St. Jacinta: “Sweet Heart of Mary, be my salvation!”

    Other than that, I’d recommend reading the following (which is highly recommended by a priest friend, although I’ve only very briefly perused it):


    Bl. Alexandrina da Costa, pray for us.


  5. Hello! I stumbled across your website, I have seen snippets of posts here and there. I love that they are simple to read and easy to pray about during the day! Please pray for me and my struggles, scruples, fears, anxieties, confusions and to break the chains and cycles of sins. Especially to be united with Jesus and Mary this lent!

    I was wondering if you have any writings on how to pray simply / mental prayer, praying with heart? 🙂

    May God and our Lady bless you and your work!
    – J

  6. Dear N.,

    I will be happy to help; however, my e-mail access is severely restricted, so, if you don’t mind writing on here, I will respond when I can. I won’t publish your name, and I can edit your comment(s), if desirable.


  7. Dear K,

    May the Prince of Peace bring you His peace this Christmas!

    You can be assured of my prayers. I will ask Our Lady to embellish them.

    The easiest way to avoid backsliding is to walk confidently in the presence of Mary. She will teach you how to walk as a child of God. She knows all the secrets of the spiritual life, and She loves to impart Her childlike simplicity, docility and confidence to souls. Ask Her daily for a share in Her spirit. The milk of grace is never wanting to those who go to her as to the most perfect and tender of Mothers.

    Please pray for me also 🙂


  8. Hi, I’d like to thank you for this beautiful website. It is such a help to me and I pray God will bless you for every time it’s encouraged me. I didn’t know it was possible to backslide from God as far as I’ve done. I want to let go and move on but I’m feeling hurt and frustrated. It’s a multi-faceted problem, but part of it is that I’ve struggled with scruples for several years. Now, to be sure, Jesus didn’t allow my latest episode to happen without sending me some very special encouragement when it started, but I still feel abandoned sometimes. I know I need to receive Communion as often as possible, especially right now, and my reason tells me I should be willing to do anything for Jesus, conquering scruples included, but my heart’s not in this. Prayers and thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

  9. Stick with Sr. Clare!

    Don’t be disheartened: Our Lord and Our Lady obviously haven’t given up on you, otherwise you would have absolutely no desire to be saved. This desire cannot deceive; just surrender to their love for you, and let them draw you to their Sacred Hearts. Rest on Mary’s bosom like a little child. This advice of Ven. Mother Mary Potter is simple, but extraordinary when you cultivate the habit (which is easy and delightful).

    God said to Abram: “Walk before Me, and be perfect” (Gen. 17:1). Even if you committed an infinite number of sins, you have no reason to leave His gaze, which is the cause of all goodness in souls. Above all, don’t stop praying to Mary, spending time with Our Eucharistic King, or going to Mass. The rest will flow naturally, given time. “They shall be converted that sit under His shadow” (Hos. 14:8).

    St. Margaret Mary: “A child can never perish, He says to me, in the arms of an Almighty Father.” The same can be said of Mary, who is called “omnipotentia supplex” (the all-powerful intercessor, to use a loose translation).

    Please pray for me, and I will pray for… ye!

  10. Thanks for the reply. I have realized that I have already been fighting against scruples for a year and I do not see any improvement. I want to believe that a spiritual director is not necessary, but at the same time I am confronted by my own reality and feel that I will never get one. I feel like I’m in a loop of going to confession, thinking I’m in mortal sin, sadness, stopping going to church, stopping receiving communion, lukewarmness, and going back to confession.

    By the way, I love Sister Clare too. I am reading her biography for the second time.

  11. PS. I see that you posted on April 16 (I just realised this). That is the anniversary of death of St. Bernadette.

    It is also the anniversary of death of Sr. Clare Crockett. Pray to her, too (if you don’t already)! She is simple, pure, and has a great sense of humour, accompanied by the liberty of spirit that leads us swiftly to God).

  12. Christ is risen!

    Firstly, please be assured of my prayers. I will ask St. Bernadette, St. Therese, St. Mariam of Jesus Crucified, St. Gemma, and Celine (Sr. Genevieve, sister of Therese) to give you a share in their holy confidence, simplicity, peace, love, etc. (There is a great book on Celine – realised by Ignatius, I believe – that is well worth reading)

    You raise an interesting point – one that I have not considered at any length.

    It is true that some authors emphasise the value of a holy and enlightened spiritual director, sometimes going so far as to call this a necessity; but this should not be taken absolutely.

    It might be morally necessary for certain souls to have such a spiritual director, but it is not an absolute necessity in principle.

    In other words, God does not bind Himself to spiritual directors; He can and will lead souls without them, unless it is plain that He wants them to have one (in which case He will infallibly provide).

    Some very holy souls, who were following a rather extraordinary way, such as Bl. Marie Deluil Martiny and Bl. Alexandrina da Costa, were without a spiritual director for quite some time. But God saw them through.

    I can sympathise with your frustration. Some of the books I recommend could be improved in certain respects (e.g. the one you mentioned). I can’t recall where I have read a different view on the topic of spiritual directors, but I certainly have (I think Mother Cecile Bruyere, for example, said that spiritual directors are not strictly necessary – especially in the case of souls who follow the path of simplicity, adhering to the Church’s liturgical life).

    If you want to overcome scruples, the first thing to know is that God can do ALL THINGS. Call on Mary, who delights in dilating the hearts of her children. Rest on her bosom like a little infant. This is the recommendation of Ven. Mother Mary Potter, who calls this an essential element of spiritual childhood.

    … I’m sorry I don’t have any more specific advice, e.g. quotes from saints. All this is quite general. But you can always ask the Saints and Our Lady to lead you in the right path. Walk before Jesus and Mary: that is perfection. Nothing else is needed, ultimately. All is included in that.

    If I find any resources, I will gladly share them with you. For now, I will prayer for you, and I humbly ask your prayers.

    I have one book recommendation as well, for what it’s worth:


    (It is the favourite book of St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows)

    All the best, and God bless.


  13. Hello. I like your page and I read it frequently. I have a question related to the resources you recommend.

    Whenever I try to read materials related to scruples (such as: “Light and Peace”, “Introduction to the Devout Life”) they always emphasize spiritual directors. And I end up more hopeless than comforted by those readings.

    For example: ‘Choose one among a thousand,’ says Avila: “among ten thousand, rather, I should say, for there are fewer than one would suppose fitted for this office of spiritual director. Charity, learning and prudence are indispensable to it , and if any one of these qualities be absent, your choice will not be unattended with danger.”

    Honestly these requirements are very frustrating. I don’t have one and it seems like it’s needed for everything and I’m alone. What should I do? It gives me the feeling that it is a luxury of a few to overcome scruples. I don’t know if you will have any material related to this.

    Sorry for the typos, English is not my native language.

  14. I have some other spiritual works in the pipeline, so please pray that they see the light of day before… let’s say 2025.

    Good keep you and yours.

    Bl. Alexandrina, pray for us.


  15. Many thanks, Br. Charbel (good name!). I don’t have such a document, unfortunately. If I did, I’d happily share it.

    May St. Crescentia von Kaufbeuren and St. Veronica Giuliani give you a double-portion of their spirit(s).


  16. Thanks for your thoughtful contribution. Some good suggestions.

    I’m not sold on the revelations of B. Nwoye. But I do think that devotion to the Precious Blood is a must (hence frequent participation in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, Communion, etc.).

  17. Your Blog is amazing, and a wonderful gift. I am a religious brother and was wondering if you had a document (pdf or otherwise) with all your posts gathered together. I would love to print it and use it for spiritual reading. Regardless, I just want to thank you for taking the time to call us all to the “little way,” and to love Jesus and Mary with a pure heart!
    Pax et Bonum!

    Br. Charbel O.F.M. Cap.

  18. I want to suggest every single person in here whether you are suffering darkness currently or not immediately take these steps if you not already done so:
    1) Consecrate yourself to Jesus Through Mary (St. Louis De Montfort Consecration based on Book True Devotion To Mary)-Do this annually. helpful website to do consecration (BUT STILL BUY BOOK AND READ IT: https://www.stjohncatholicmclean.org/worship-the-lord/consecration/total-consecration-daily-readings-and-prayers-of-preparation/
    2) Consecrate yourself to Saint Joseph (Joseph Calloway’s Book- Consecration to Saint Joseph -Do it annually
    3) Consider – consecrate yourself to the precious blood – see this website – https://www.preciousbloodinternational.com/prayers.html. The daily prayer devotion is to include a Chaplet to the Most Precious Blood after your rosary. The promises associated to the precious blood chaplet and other prayers on this website ARE INCREDIBLE…they literally promise to stop and aid us in the attacks that occur almost daily in this world. While we accept suffering to refine us and generate more virtue in our spirit, I promise you these can help us weather the storm of suffering well. The chaplet is also purposed as a meditation on the wounds of Jesus -and aimed to help people in the moment of their death similar to the Divine Mercy chaplet. ****Also, Jesus needs more people to join him at Gethsemane – see the website and understand when the scheduled time is and how you can join him in His suffering once a week.*** I pray I myself have the strength to do so… the enemy intimidates…and weakness troubles me to step out on faith in Jesus to grant His strength in place of my weakness (found in St. Faustina Journal). This website is based on the visitations of Jesus to a current seminarian from Nigeria-Barnabas Nwoye. I can tell you our enemy isn’t taking day’s off at all, and every moment in prayer counts no matter how little it appears to do…it is doing quite A LOT. Prayer is literally increasing the winds of the Holy Spirit on this earth and we do not have enough of it right now.

    I also suggest that everyone spend at least 1 hour in adoration daily. To help people strengthen your rosary, I highly recommend reading “The Secret of the Rosary,” by Louis De Montfort. The Rosary is literally as Saint Bartolo Longo has quoted it to be- “the chain that unites us to heaven.” This book and the consecrations have helped me so much in my daily battles I cannot even begin to describe…even with the intrusions. It takes the rosary and brings it to life so that we internalize more carefully into our spirit the very meaningful grace of the rosary.

    Another recommendation I have is to download the catholic exorcism app. This has several prayers on it for Catholic laity. It is created by Father Rosetti of the DC Exorcism Center.

    I will pray for people struggling on this site….It helps to remember while the suffering HURTS SO MUCH, the offspring of this suffering yields a goodness beyond what we can really imagine…it is near impossible for me to see this while I go through sufferings…though I know it’s true. Saint Faustina’s words have helped – when the suffering comes…practice “blind obedience.” I love you all suffering warriors of Christ! Sincerely In Christ.

  19. Dear Cal,

    Firstly, thank you very much for your prayers. I will pray much for you, as I can appreciate how difficult it is to suffer with blasphemous thoughts. I went through an unpleasant period about a decade ago.

    Your brain will probably need some time to re-wire itself; but you should be confident that these thoughts can be overcome.

    Three tips:
    – Ask yourself (occasionally): If this blasphemous thought were something absurd, like: “I want to eat glass,” would you question yourself as to whether or not you willed it? (Also, differentiate between willing the thought and willing the content of the thought)
    – Don’t confuse your conscience or judgement by letting your doubts or emotions dictate your choices. Dash such things on the rock that is Christ. Ignoring unreasonable doubts is eminently reasonable. Wading through uncertainty, especially when we are scrupulous, is eminently unreasonable. One shouldn’t spend too much time sifting through uncertain things. What is certain is God and His love for you.
    – Rest on the bosom of Mary. There, you will learn childlike trust. “It is on her bosom that all good things come to me” (St. Louis de Montfort). “Now all good things came to me together with her: and innumerable riches through her hands” (Wis. 7:11). Our Lady is more loving and affectionate than any other mother that ever has, or ever will, walk this earth. And she is your Mother. The more you trust HER judgement, goodness, etc. (leaving your cares, desire for perfection, etc., to her), the more she will be free to take care of you. I promise you: you will be amazed at what liberty she will bring you, in time.

    In the Immaculate Heart of Mary,


  20. Hello there,

    I stumbled across this blog recently, and it truly has been a light amid what has been a dark period, spiritually speaking.

    I’m been dealing with scrupulosity for some time now, and unfortunately, by the time I realized what I was dealing with it had set deep into my being.

    The newest ‘phase’ of this plague has been innumerable blasphemous thoughts and curses arising in my head against all that is Holy. This has been a great trial for me, and has driven me almost to the point of despair. For these thoughts have become second nature to the point I can hardly call God to mind, without some kind of blasphemy (I have associated with such an act) arising in my head. I even struggle to look at religious imagery, lest I be bombarded by these thoughts.

    Hence, I have been confused and confounded; “are these thoughts really mine?”, “have I given them consent insofar as I have thought of them?” — such questions only prove to exacerbate the confusion, and make this condition much worse.

    Nevertheless, this blog has been helpful, and with God’s grace some light has been shining through.

    So, thank you for that. I am appreciative for all the work here, and hope it can resume sometime in the future.

    Please do keep me in your prayers as I struggle through this dark period; I shall keep you in mine.

    God bless


  21. Dear Ayush,

    Thank you very much for the recommendation; I look forward to doing some research when time permits. Unfortunately, I am currently unable to continue blogging, but I hope to return to it some day.

    In the meantime, I will pray to St. Alphonsa, invoking her especially for some dear Indian friends of mine. And for you, of course, for introducing her to me!

    Happy Easter!


    “I have chosen you to keep Me company in those little refuges [Tabernacles].”
    – Our Lord to Bl. Alexandrina da Costa

  22. Since this website is dedicated to the littlest souls of God, I would urge the owner of it to check once about St. Alphonsa of the Immaculate Conception. She is an Indian Franciscan nun. She is known as the daughter of sufferings and a victim soul. Please research on her and write on her, so that others may come to know her and her luminous life as well. Thank you!

  23. Dear Peter,

    Don’t fear. Fear alone is holding you back. It is said of Our Lady that, so long as we have a breath of life, she can reconcile us to God, so powerful is her intercession.

    “If you have a heart, you can be saved.” – St. Pambo

    If you write something here I will try to respond next weekend or the following weekend. I won’t publish your full comment (just a couple of words so that you know I’m replying to you).



  24. Actually I wondered if I could discuss with you over email my story or if you know anyone that is really clued up about blasphemy against the Holy Spirit as I’m really fearful I lost God.


  25. Hi I came across the ‘the seemingly unforgivable sin’ a couple years back and it’s my go to thing as I struggle with that sin ever sin I said something more than 6 years ago! Just wanna say thanks.

  26. Salve!

    Thank you for your thoughtful offer! Unfortunately, for personal reasons, I am severely limited in my use of e-mail and communications, which means that the best I could do, at this point in time, is read your comment(s) via the blog.

    I’m not sure if that would suffice, but if it does, I’d be more than happy to read what you have.

    If that sounds okay, we can go from there. In the meantime, I’ll pray for you, and please pray for me.

    St. Dismas, pray for us.
    St. Mechtilde, pray for us.
    Bl. Imelda, pray for us.

    ps. I was reading The Ladder of Divine Ascent only yesterday. Brilliant stuff.

  27. Greetings!

    I would like to talk a bit with you about ‘scrupulosity’, share with you some of “my” thoughts, a “personal” theory, about this condition – yet thoughts that are based on the writings of two saints (who you know of: John of the Ladder and John of the Cross). Why? So that, if I convince you that they’re correct, you may share them with others through your blog. (It would take too much time for me to type my own blog and build up a readership.)

    You can see my email address, yes? Then please send me a message.

    May the Lord be with you!


  28. Sister – Praised be Our Lord Jesus Christ! I just finished both parts of your Sister Talk on S.M.I.L.E. I will not bait you with pride by exclaiming your talents as a speaker and teacher. I know you want to remain little. Just know that your talk converted my heart and gave me the direction I’ve been praying for. Thank you.

  29. Dear Sister Marie Gabrielle,


    Thank you for sharing – you can’t go wrong with Therese and Our Lady. Unfortunately I am unable to watch the video, but I appreciate your kindness all the same.

    “O my little Jesus, I beg you, look at me, plunge your eyes in mine! I cover them with kisses, in order to hide from them all that could cause you sorrow.”
    – Ven. Maria Margit Bogner

    Oremus pro invicem.


  30. Greetings, brother! Thank you for the kind message; I return my prayers and good wishes.

    All is well; I am keeping busy, and am constantly being challenged by some solid spiritual reading. Please keep me in your prayers, and I will keep you in mine.

    I look forward to hearing how everything is going!


  31. Dear Sister Marie Gabrielle,

    Thanks for the thanks, and thanks be to God.

    Could you please send me your e-mail address? (I won’t publish it)


    ps. Sorry I couldn’t respond earlier.

  32. +PAX+

    Laudetur Iesus Christus!

    My dear brother in Christ,

    I wished to reach out and extend my prayers for a most joyous Christmas and blessed new year. The Lord today strongly placed you on my heart and you can be assured of my prayers for you and yours this wondrous season. If God grants a moment to spare, I would love to hear from you. May God and Mary be with you.

    In Christ and Mary,

  33. Dear Littlest Souls blog master,
    Would you be so kind as to let me know your mailing address? I would like to send you a Christmas card and thank you personally for helping me…. Thank you so much!

  34. You and I! I will certainly pray for you. Please pray for me as well.

    St. Benedict Joseph Labre tried his luck with the Benedictines a few times, but to no avail; and yet, he is a great saint. So whatever God wills for you, St. Benedict J.L. is a good saint to pray to!

    ‘Miserere mei, Domine, quoniam infirmus sum!’

  35. Please keep me in your prayers. I’m discerning my vocation and I recently got back from visiting a Benedictine Order but the Superior said that I come across as being fragile (both physically and spiritually).

  36. You are very welcome, Alfred. At the Elevation one day, Eric’s name popped immediately into my mind, so I know that Our Lord is inspiring souls to pray for him.

    Absolutely. Hence Frank Sheed’s brilliant book (they all are), titled, ‘To Know Christ Jesus.’

    Take care and God bless.


  37. Dear +PAX,
    Thank You for your willingness to pray for Eric McDonald.
    May God Bless his soul. There is no greater need than to know Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior..
    .“O Blood and Water, which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus as a Fount of Mercy for us, I trust in You”.

  38. Dear Alfred,

    I have a Holy Hour beginning in a few minutes. Eric will very much be in my prayers.

    At every Mass, it is very useful to consecrate ourselves to Jesus through Mary, along with all those we carry in our hearts.

    ‘And do thou call upon the Lord, and speak to the king for us, and deliver us from death.’ (Esther 15:3)


  39. Prayer Request:

    Please pray for The Miracle of salvation.
    May God give Eric McDonald all the graces that he needs for conversion and the joy of salvation.

    For God’s Blessings upon Eric McDonald-

    “Heavenly Father, have mercy upon Eric McDonald.Please save his soul.I pray for all the grace he needs for the conversion of his soul.Abba Father, draw Eric to Jesus.Please help him to have the faith he needs to turn to Jesus and be saved in the name of Jesus Christ Amen!!!”
    Jesus, Mary I love you Save Souls
    St Michael ,The Archangel, Pray for us

    O Mary, Mother of Perpetual Help, you know so well the great value of an immortal soul. You know what it means, that every soul has been redeemed by the Blood of your divine Son, you will not then despise my prayer, if I ask from you the conversion of a sinner, a great sinner who is rapidly hurrying towards eternal ruin. You O good merciful Mother, know his irregular life. Remember, then, that you are the refuge of sinners, remember that God has given you power to bring about the conversion of even the most wretched sinners. All that has been done for his soul, has been unsuccessful; if you do not come to his assistance, he will go from bad to worse. Obtain for him an effectual grace that he may be moved and brought back to God and his duties. Send him, if necessary, temporal calamities and trials that he may enter into himself, and put an end to his sinful course. You, O most merciful Mother, have converted so many sinners at the intercession of their friends, be then, also moved by my prayer, and bring this unhappy soul to true conversion of heart. O Mary, help; O Mother of Perpetual Help, show that you are the Advocate and Refuge of Sinners. So I hope, so may it be.

  40. Dear Rachel,

    Thank you so, so much! I don’t forget you either! I have a lot of people to pray for, so I often simply present my heart to God; but I certainly mention you by name every now and then 🙂

    In Jesus and Mary.

  41. Hey Mark,

    Thanks for the worthwhile comments. I will pray for your cousin.

    I also see the value in such a work, but it is not possible for me at this point in time, given my duties and general responsibilities as a Benedictine novice.

    The book I was working on was going to be fairly light on the biographical side of things, but it certainly would have included many encouraging words for those who suffer, even very grievously. I think Joan Carrol Cruz wrote a book that might be of interest; I think it’s titled, ‘Saints for the Sick.’


  42. I would encourage you to again take up the work, with the permission of your superiors, of course. But I can also suggest a particular angle / value to the book. My cousin recently was diagnosed with liver failure. Along with other advice, I explained to her how Catholic saints need two miracles and that she might find the story of her life resonates with the story of a Servant of God–venerable or blessed–whose intercession she might seek for physical healing. I had intended to point her toward a list of such proposed “causes,” but could find none extant. I think your work, whether in print or online, would be of value to MANY people with health problems. Modern medicine has given up on her and told her to put her affairs in order. I think just about any Catholic told to seek Hospice (6 month life expectancy is required) would have an interest. Not like you would be trying to make a killing in the market, but you would definitely “corner” the market with such a product. Even the Vatican doesn’t make a list publicly available.

  43. Hey Mark,

    I was writing a book that was to include a few hundred revelations or so from servants of God, Venerables etc., but I had to put that aside when I entered the monastery.

    That’s okay, though; nothing done for God is wasted; and if He wants it, He will provide the means. For now I am happy to get some time for the blog each week.


  44. Happy (belated) Feast Day, dear Sr. Synthia! I have a special affinity with many Visitandines (and St. Francis de Sales), so I will be sure to pray for the Visitation Order. I love to meditate on the Visitation of Mary; she went with haste to greet her cousin because her heart was aflame with Divine Love. Our Lord said to St. Mechtilde that His Sacred Heart is like a boiling cauldron, which seems to say, “Hasten! Hasten!”, from town to town, from soul to soul. This explains Mary’s haste… And to think that Jesus is our Elder Brother, and Mary our dear Mother!


  45. Happy Feast Day dear Sister Benigna Consolata Ferrero, VHM! May your prayers for us all be heard in Heaven and reach the Tender and Divine Heart of Jesus, Our Merciful Savior. The Visitation Order is always seeking new sisters…pray for many more vocations…hearts of love for Our Lord and His Blessed Mother Mary…to say “YES, I will live my life for Him Whom my soul loves.” If you even “think about” a vocation, COME and SEE! Sr Synthia Helena Marie, Visitation Monastery, Brooklyn, NY

  46. Hey Rose Anne 🙂

    Thanks – glad you liked it!

    Same! (It’s a real blessing to be able to share some of the great stuff that I have the fortune of reading)


  47. Just read your latest blog An Image of the Faithful Soul. SO BEAUTIfUL ! I really look forward to reading your blog every week – so consoling and beautiful !
    So glad you received permission to keep writing it.

    Rose Anne

  48. Dear Ben,

    It has been a great joy to discover so many treasures of our Holy Church through your site.
    May you always follow the inspirations of Our Lord and Our Lady to serve their
    Hearts by whichever means they lead you to use, for the glory of God and for the good of souls!

    I wish you well on your spiritual journey, with the hope that you will receive every
    grace you need to follow the grace of your vocation. Thank you for the time and efforts you spend to spread devotion to the Divine Mercy and Divine Love!

    Pax Christi,


  49. No worries, MK.

    “He should trouble himself no more about the blasphemous and other absurd imaginations suggested by the devil than he would about a number of flies buzzing round his head. He
    should at once turn quietly from them.” – Ven. Louis of Blois (Blosius)

    I used to confess to having “committed” (involuntary) blasphemous thoughts, despite advice to the contrary. It was only when, under obedience, I stopped seeing them as sins, that I was delivered from my fears and disquietude.

    Say, for example, that you have the thought to kill someone. This is certainly not sinful if you do not actually want to do so. The same logic applies to other thoughts.

    I’m glad that the blog has helped!

    You are in my prayers! I hope college goes well for you! Ora et labora!



  50. Thank you for your answer!! I periodically struggle with scruples every time I am stressed or there is a big change in my life, ie. I am going to college in the fall, and moving away from home. I haven’t had them this badly for years. They have been getting better, and your blog has been a great help! I now find myself more beset with strange or terrible thoughts that make me feel very guilty and question myself, even though I know they aren’t coming from me. I’m working on dismissing them, but it isn’t easy. It’s like someone is taking the things I fear/despise the most and trying to force them into my head, best I can describe it. For anyone else facing this problem: persevere! These thoughts do not define you, and you will make it through! Prayer is your MOST powerful defense. Every time one of these thoughts comes into your head, pray.

  51. Of course. There is no rush.
    Thank you for responding.
    I look forward to hear your advice.
    With prayers,

  52. Hey Gaby!

    I would love to respond at length, but due to time constraints…

    Could I send you an e-mail later in the week, instead?

    (You make perfect sense)



  53. Dear Ben,

    I hope you don’t mind if I ask your advice about when experiencing a scruple.
    I have read often to ignore all scruples and I am determined to do this but one half of me says ‘you have committed a mortal sin’ and the other half of me says ‘this is a clear sign of a scruple’. I wondered how to have the confidence in my conviction and to ignore those scruples when such a big part of me feels I shouldn’t ignore them as they could be ‘mortal sins’. I hope I make sense! With prayers, Gaby

  54. Hey MK!

    I had to defy scrupulous thoughts in Mass, less than 30 mins ago. Venial sins are best atoned for by acts of love e.g. by saying the aspiration: “O Jesus, King of Love, I put my trust in Thy merciful goodness.” Our Lord told one holy soul that love would be her reparation. Of course, we cannot produce love; we can only communicate what we first receive from Jesus. “He has loved us first.” So we must have complete trust in the *pure* love of God, which alone preserves us from sin.

    As for mortal sin, one does not fall into it; rather, one digs a pit and climbs in. So, if you are doubtful that a certain thought is mortally sinful, there is probably a good reason for this. Don’t confuse your conscience by convincing yourself that something is, or could be, sinful when it isn’t or almost certainly isn’t.

    Bl. Elizabeth of the Trinity says that we should frequently go to Jesus for help. In time, we will forget self, which is the key – or, at least, *a* key – to conquering scruples.

    In short: yes, I find it not only helpful, but even necessary, to defy scrupulous thoughts.

    You are in my prayers.



  55. I have a question about scruples. Did you find it beneficial to act in defiance of a scrupulous thought? It’s a little hard to explain for those who haven’t struggled with this. Whenever I do I feel horribly guilty and worthless, even though I know I did nothing wrong, in my head. Do you have any insights about this?

  56. Hey Rose!

    Yes, Marcel Van! And Sr. Consolata. Great, albeit “little”, souls.

    Right back at you! Sr. Consolata has helped me much. I love her little aspiration.


  57. Hey Emma,

    I can give you my name and initial: Ben A.

    I want to stay hidden like my sister Therese 🙂 (Not that I am comparing myself to her!)

    Good luck with the writing!


  58. I just read your latest blog A Rose from St Therese. What a beautiful story ! St Therese (and the whole Martin Family) have for sure adopted you as their little brother. It reminds me of St Therese’s little brother the Servant of God Marcel Van ! I too have a big devotion to St Therese and chose her as my patron saint many years ago at Confirmation. Also I have asked Sister Consolata Betrone
    (that ‘still smaller and weaker soul’) to help me persevere in the littlest way of love and adopt me as her little sister. I am sure that your new little family will help you to become a saint and fulfill God’s Divine Will in your life !

  59. hi there – i was just wondering if i could get your full name? i am writing a story and would like to copy a few sentences (and give credit of coarse) and just need your name for the credits? thanks.

  60. Hey Rose Anne (a very nice name, btw),

    Thank you! I am always thankful to God when he encourages someone by means of this site; it consoles me, and motivates me to serve Him wholeheardetly.

    You are in my prayers!


  61. I was so happy to see your latest blog entry. I was in particular need of seeing such comforting words about God’s mercy for human weaknesses and misery. I saw this last post at exactly the rite time ! I am so happy about your vocation to the religious life and will pray for you ! Also I am so happy that you will keep writing your blog once a week. It is helping a LOT of souls, this littlest one included.
    God Bless You and thank you !!!
    Rose Anne ( a littlest one)

  62. Hey Ev!

    Thank you so much! I will definitely remember to pray for you and your vocation; that is fantastic news!

    Are you referring to the convent in Tyringham? If so, that is interesting, because I came across an article on their site about a week ago, which was about Sr. Benigna Consolata. I noticed that they don’t have any information on Sr. Jeanne Benigne Gojos, of the same Order, so I decided that I will send them a link to an article that I am writing about her (once I complete it… hopefully by Saturday).

    Thank you so much! I am extremely grateful for any prayer.

    The monastery I will be entering is on Earth; I can say that much 🙂 … I am happy to tell you privately. If you like, you can leave a comment with your e-mail, and I can respond to you that way (I won’t publish your comment.).

    St. Mechtilde of Helfta is sometimes referred to as St. Matilda. There is another St. Matilda, too.

    You’re very welcome, Ev.


  63. I promise to pray and think of you everyday! I, too, have been looking at Monasteries to one day enter, once my two daughters are settled. I am attracted to the Visitation Nuns in MA. I stumbled on it, reading about St. Therese’s sister, Leonie. One of my aunts, Seor Maria of the Unity, was a founder of a the Mother of God Monastery in Taiwan and is believed to have died in the ardor of Sanctity…I will as her to intercede for you! Oh, which Monastery?

    Oh is St. Mechtilde, the same as St. Matilda? Just wanted to make sure I have the right Saint…Thank you so much for taking the time for me & my family. Please use my email if you need to ask me something personal.

    With much Love and Peace,

  64. Hi Evelyn!

    I’m glad you found Littlest Souls 🙂

    I will certainly pray for Marianne, and for you and your family. Please pray for me, too! I will be entering a monastery on Monday, so I need all the help I can get!

    Here are your patron saints:

    Evelyn: St. Mechtilde
    Brittany-Therese: St. Gertrude
    Erika-Bernadette: Bl. Dom Columba Marmion
    Concepcion: Bl. Dom Columba Marmion

    You are very welcome!


  65. I am so happy I found “Littlest Souls”! For the last 3 years I used to get my Patron Saint with another blessed soul named Marianne. I know that at one point she was in the hospital last year. Now I have not heard from her again and noticed that she has not put in Patron Saints 2017. I am afraid that she is either very sick or passed away. Please pray for her. I have been so sad and did not feel peace from other sites that use a generated Patron Saint engine. How happy I feel to have found someone like Marianne. Either her prayers led me to you or my Guardian Angel. I would love a Patron Saint for myself, my two daughters and my mother.

    I am Evelyn Martinez-Regueiro, my two daughters are Brittany-Therese Marie Conty and Erika-Bernadette Marie Conty, and my mother is Concepcion Martinez-Regueiro.

    Thank you so much for all the prayers you do for all of us in helping us get on the path to Heaven through the help of our Patron Saints.

  66. This blog is beautiful. Please keep it going if you can!!
    I have much reading to do here in order to catch up. God bless you and yours.

  67. Thank you, dear Rose! You are very welcome; I am glad I could help in some way!

    I will pray for you, too!
    “O Jesus, King of Love, I put my trust in Thy loving mercy!”


  68. I am so happy about your vocation ! That is such wonderful news ! I will pray to God for you. Your blog has inspired and encouraged me so much in my own spiritual life and I thank you so much for it.
    GOD BLESS YOU dear brother and Praise to Jesus for your vocation and calling you to a very special place in His Heart !
    Jesus, Mary I love you. Save souls !

  69. Fantastic! St. Crescentia had a vision of flames coming from the Tabernacle, and Our Lord assured her that these are the graces that emanate from His Eucharistic Heart. Stay by a fire and you will feel its warmth.

    I’m glad the blog helps 🙂 Yes, that is when I started the blog. I have a few more posts in the pipeline, but for now I have a 14hr flight (evidence of Purgatory).

    Pax Christi!

  70. I paid another visit to the Blessed Sacrament today! Thank you so much for this site! It has greatly helped me. I’m reading the posts from May 2012 forward….It that the beginning of the archives? I don’t want to miss anything.

  71. Thank you for the encouragement! Keeping your words in mind, I paid a visit to the Blessed Sacrament this afternoon. I was alone in the chapel; I cried when I realized how many graces I’ve wasted by not going.

  72. Dear Cory,

    Firstly, you’re welcome!

    I would absolutely pay a visit to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. This desire is good and therefore is a grace from God.

    Don’t fear that Jesus will reject your pleas. “For thou, O Lord, art sweet and mild: and plenteous in mercy to all that call upon thee.” (Ps. 86:5) If we seek Him, it is because of His mercy. Remember this consoling truth, and praise God for His goodness. “I have placed My treasure in thee; keep it sedulously.” (Jesus to Sr. Jeanne Benigne Gojos)

    If you want to overcome impurity, you need to want to. If you don’t want to, go to Mass and adoration frequently and ask God for this grace. This is recommended by the Council of Trent and the best theologians.

    “Love chastity.” (St. Benedict) The Kingdom of God belongs to the pure of heart alone. Remember that God dwells in your soul as in the Tabernacle; adore Him in spirit and in truth, and keep close to Our Lady, who is the mediatrix of all graces.

    Here are some short prayers to help you combat impurity. Pray them often and offer Our Lady the indulgences for the Holy Souls in Purgatory, asking them to help you love God more than you love earthly pleasures, which are infinitely inferior to spiritual pleasures and God Himself.

    O Jesus, King of Love, I put my trust in Thy loving mercy!

    My Jesus, mercy!

    Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us!

    Pierce Thou my flesh with Thy fear!

    Take care and God bless. I will pray for you. Begin each day well and you will find peace and victory.

    Pax Domine!

  73. I’ve been struggling with impure thoughts and I often do not try to overcome them. I’ve always had an urge to stop by and pay a visit to the Blessed Sacrament but I never do. I’m scared that I’ll go walking into the chapel and Jesus will be like “GET OUT, GET OUT! DON’T EVER COME BACK IN HERE!!!” I’m worried that I’ll get a overwhelming sense on guilt. I feel sorry for Jesus for being by himself all day but I’m too scared to risk it, especially if I’m the only one in the chapel. Should I put it off until I go to Confession? I keep putting confession over ridiculous reasons. Thank you for this website!

  74. Dear Gabrielle,

    Thank you for your appreciation!

    I’m very happy to hear that you found some peace today.

    To overcome scrupulosity, we must mortify our desire to have more certainty than God is pleased to give us. It is okay to act with some doubt; this is the human condition. Fortunately, when we obey our confessor, we are assured of doing God’s will.

    St. Therese is a very powerful intercessor. A good way of practicing the little way is to pray this prayer:

    “O Jesus, King of Love, I put my trust in Thy merciful goodness!”

    Believe me: it works! If you choose to pray this little prayer, don’t forget to offer the indulgences for the Holy Souls, and ask for their assistance.

    If there is anything I can do for you, please ask. You are in my prayers.

    Take care and God bless.

  75. Thank you for all the lovely and encouraging quotes. Unfortunately I have had a big attack of scruples today so I started a novena to St Terese of the Child Jesus. Later I stumbled across your website….which really felt like a rose being sent from Heaven as it gave me an inner peace which I haven’t felt all day. You really emphasised just how important and essential it is to obey your confessor. Thank you for taking the time to put this website together.

  76. Thank you for having this website! Question: Do you think that one should wait until going to Confession before paying a visit to the Blessed Sacrament?

  77. Re: “NOTE: The articles on this site have been written – and will continue to be written – with the scrupulous or timid soul in mind.” And re: beautiful reflection by September Sun (10/24/2015) about how Jesus told Luisa Picarretta. that He went ahead of us only to meet us right in the middle of where we are. My problem is that I have lost my sense of self. I pray for souls everyday for 2-3 hours. I know myself to be capable of every sin ever committed.

    Because Jesus said we are “all one in Him” and in each other, we can cover each other in His Precious Blood and ask for forgiveness. We can bless one another with all the gifts in our Abba’s Divine Treasury. We pray this amazing concept in mass when the drop of water is spilled into the wine before the consecration “by the mystery of this water and wine, may we come to share in the Divinity of Christ who humbled Himself to share in our humanity. ” in scripture it says Jesus “became sin” that He might nail our sin, once and for all, to the cross where we become washed white in His blood. So you see, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, we ARE MISERABLE CLUMPS OF NOTHING and we are also THE BELOVED OF THE LORD!!! We are LIVING HOSTS TO ONE ANOTHER!! What nobility we are, dressed in His Blood, ADORNED WITH HIS WOUNDS! Our Abba sees His Son when He sees us, who are nothing but misery dressed in the Holiness of our Savior. So you also see how helpful this website is for us, who know ourselves to be the most horrible of sinners sitting in the lap of our most Sacrosanct Abba with only the garment of our Savior’s Blood protecting us from annihilation by His very gaze. It is a most troubling and exhilarating predicament. I find the experience very unsettling, wanting it to be an “either or” situation, when in fact, it is “both and”. I have been perusing this website for about a year now and it provides the remedy for what ails me. Thank you

  78. On April 16, “Edarlitrix” posted a message about joy in the Scriptures in the face of experiences or effects in the soul in which there is much sorrow, and then being faced with those who would say something is wrong if one does not have the joy spoken of in Scripture. Once a priest told me, “Jesus knew what it was like to be depressed.” Later I read in Luisa Piccarreta who died within a year of Sr. Consolata Betrone that Jesus has, for love of you and me, experienced and suffered in advance all that we suffer. This includes the pains of sorrow. There can be an ocean or deep caverns of sorrow, one piled up on another…. yet, Jesus knows it all and in his heart we have the opportunity to empty our pain into him. The “joy” spoken of is his gift to us of his presence. Does it matter whether it is scruples or anything? In that very moment, even if it is mental or emotional pain, or any loss anyone can imagine, there is our Jesus just waiting. His arms are there for us. Kisses and kisses and kisses telling us: “It’s okay. Give it to me. I will take you with me and in me to and in the Father, and there we will share our Love, the Spirit….” And when I am down, which is often, I also think of what our Lady and Joseph went through. A night, then a day, another night then another day, yet another night and then at the end of the next day they find their 12-year old bundle. During that time, just like you and me now, they did not see, they did not hear, they did not understand. This is a consolation to those who do not have visions and do not have consolation; it was God’s loving way to show us that in the deepest loss, and sustained pains where so much sorrow pervades, Mary and Joseph continued fortified by the flame of love which was their sole life. Empty of self, they went forward because JESUS, not them, not their sight, not their tangible joy was, in fact the only thing that could mean joy to them. To know Jesus, to have the merciful gift to run to him, to lean on him even if we must weep copious tears, is better than any earthly joy. This is the real joy of the Gospel and the holy words of Scripture. And in our sorrow, we bless Jesus who is very sorrowful in the Bl. Sacrament. But his joy is the Father. When our sorrow is like a thirst, we can imagine Jesus when he was very very tired and thirsty and he answered the apostles: “My meat is to do the will of the Father.” When we look to empty our poor soul into Jesus continuously, that very sorrow relieves poor Jesus, he saves souls and he is preparing his sweet company for us ….. for when we take that last breath and find it within his sweet heart: just for us. And then all joy will be beyond all we think of regarding joy today. God bless you, dear hearts. Let’s be brave. The Spirit will give us a joy that the world does not understand, and even though we do not, his very life will help us persevere.

  79. Hi edarlitrix, thanks for the comment. If I find the time for it in the next few days, I will write a post on this topic. You raise some important points, and, to be honest, I would like to give this some more thought myself.

    In the meantime, it might be worth reflecting on this quote from St. Gemma, who attained great love and joy through intense sufferings: “My happiness increases in proportion to my sufferings. If you knew what sweetness is found at the bottom of the chalice prepared by our heavenly Father!”

    St. Gemma’s prayers are very powerful; she will help you.

  80. Hi, littlestsouls, it has recently come to my attention that the Scriptures… and saints… speak a great deal of “joy”–it is a fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5.22). But I am having difficulty reconciling this with the dark night of Mother Teresa as well as Jesus’ experience in the Garden of Gethsemane (“I am sorrowful unto death”). I discussion with a friend sort of implied that.. if you don’t experience joy, YOU ARE DOING SOMETHING WRONG. You are “quenching the spirit”–now this is a trap to scrupulous people. And evidently Jesus was not joyful all the time.. yet it cannot be that He would quench the Spirit (or perhaps He would?) How can this be reconciled? Got any ideas? PErhaps you could make a new post about it–or did you already? because I searched “joy” and I didn’t find anything that looked promising, or perhaps I did not look far enough. Thank you!

  81. littlestsouls,

    Thank you so much for such a beautiful blog. I have so enjoyed reading these pages! Such a comfort and encouragement!
    Just wondering whose image it is you have displayed as the background?

    God bless,

  82. You are too kind! I am reminded of what Our Lord said to St. Gertrude: “Know that you have nothing of yourself and that all which renders you agreeable to Me comes from Me.”

    “Abandon yourself to the care of the best of Fathers, and to the love of the tenderest of Partners.” – Our Lord to Sr. Josefa Menendez

    Take care and God bless.

  83. I was feeling kind of discouraged and down several days ago and then I saw your response to my email and it cheered me up a LOT ! Not only is your blog amazing; YOU are amazing ! it is clear that you are a very holy soul and are very united to Our Beloved Lord ! THANK YOU and PRAISE GOD !!!

    Rose Anne

  84. I just LOVE your blog ! It is amazing and you are doing a lot of good to a lot of souls.
    Thank you and may God Bless you ! ! !

  85. Hi J, you will pleased to know that I found the reference for the aforementioned revelation received by St. Gertrude. It can be found on p. 198 of ‘The Herald of Divine Love’ (here: http://books.google.com.au/books?id=G7KrZTUwOxUC&printsec=frontcover&dq=herald+of+divine+love+gertrude&hl=en&sa=X&ei=bEFmU6GiBY_SkAXulYDQCQ&ved=0CDYQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=198&f=false ). Alternatively, you can find this revelation in the latin translation of her life (Oudin, 1875), translated thus: ‘When a father desires to punish his child, the rod can make no resistance to his hand. It is therefore My will that My elect shall never lay the blame on men for their trials, but that they shall rather consider My fatherly affection, which would never suffer the slightest breath of wind contrary to them if I had not in view the eternal salvation which they should receive in reward. Considering this, they should rather have compassion on those who, while contributing to their virtue, incur guilt for their own selves.’

    God bless.

  86. Hi there 🙂 You are very welcome. I have also had no luck finding the primary source for the revelation you mention, which is quoted in chapter 7 of ‘Siguiendo Sus Huellas’ (Following His Footsteps) by by Rev. Anselmo del Alamo, 1963: http://avalon44.tripod.com/p/follow.txt

    I wasn’t sure about using the quote – I am still unsure about its use – but it is consistent with God’s love, which always wills our good. ‘For whom the Lord loveth, he chastiseth; and he scourgeth every son whom he receiveth’ (Hebrews 12:6). Our Lord allegedly said to Gabrielle Bossis that if there was a better way of leading us to Himself than the cross, He would choose it. Also, to St. Bridget of Sweden He said that He would willingly suffer again to save the damned, if only that were possible.

    “I weep because I see Jesus, who is doing Himself violence to make me suffer; He is forced to it, having chosen me for a victim; but it costs Him to hide from me His love.” – Sr. Benigna Consolata

    “Oh! if people knew His attractions as I have the happiness of knowing them, they would love the justice of God as much as His goodness; that is to say, they would receive His punishments was willingly as His rewards, for they are always adorable, always mingled with secret mercies. Oh! can one indeed love a God supremely good, and not have an insatiable desire to be united to His only Son, infinitely punished for our offences?” – p. 334 ‘The Life of Sister Jeanne Benigne Gojos: Lay–Sister of the Visitation of Holy Mary, 1878 (I give this book a very high recommendation!)

    Take care and God bless.

  87. Hello, thank you for this beautful blog! Can you tell me where you can find the quote from ST Gertrude about suffering: “It would be very pleasing to me,” said Jesus to St. Gertrude, ”if my friends judged me less cruel. They should have the delicacy of thinking that I do not use severity, except for their benefit and for their greater benefit. I do it through love, and if this were
    not necessary to cure them or in order to increase their eternal glory, I would not even let the slightest breeze bother them.” I don’t see it in the book on her Revelations. Thank you so much for that quote and the blog! J

  88. Hi Kelvin, I’m glad that you appreciate the writings on this blog.

    I am also familiar with some of the more sobering writings of various Saints and theologians. I accept, at least in principle, much of what they say on this topic, but I believe that it is more profitable to emphasise God’s mercy. Rather than consider the number of the elect, I prefer to thank God for the inexhaustible love that He desires to pour out on souls. He yearns to save us, but He requires generous souls who will plead for mercy on behalf of sinners.

    Thank you for your book recommendation. I have read a good part of that book. Whatever the number of the elect is, we must acknowledge God’s sovereign goodness. On Earth, we are subject to many trials, fears, passions etc., but they are permitted for our benefit. Faith assures us that God is all-lovable; His every action is love; His every desire is, and always will be love. Sr. Jeanne Benigne Gojos, a great mystic, knew the love and mercy of God so well that she confidently adored even His justice.

    I pray that God might transform your fears into courage, so that you may fight valiantly for God and for souls. God bless, dear Kelvin.

    Here is a book that I strongly recommend. The writer was greatly influenced by St. Gertrude:
    (‘A Book of Spiritual Instruction’ by Ven. Louis of Blois, aka Blosius)

  89. I love the writings on this blog because they emphasize the Great Mercy of God. I am frequently disturbed by the writings of various Saints and theologians who express a deeply pessimistic view of the eternal fate of humanity. I turn, instead, to the consoling words of St. Francis de Sales, Fr Faber, et al. Some time ago, I found a little book entitled “The Comparative Number Of The Saved And Lost. A Study” (M.H. Gill & Son, Dublin, 1898) by Fr. Nicholas Walsh SJ. This book suggests that “the majority – and I scarcely fear to add, the great majority – of mankind will be saved” (Supra, p. 22). Definitely a good read!

  90. Thank you, Rose Anne! May all the glory be to God, from Whom all good things come. I pray that God will grant you the grace to persevere as one of His ‘littlest ones’! Surely the “littlest way” of love is very dear to His Heart.

  91. I love your blog. I am a ‘littlest one’
    Following the ‘littlest way of love’ traced out by Sr Consolata Betrone. I just want to thank you for your wonderful
    Website. May God our all loving Father
    Richly bless you !

  92. Thank you very much.

    “If you knew how much I thirst to be loved by men, you would not spare anything for it I thirst, I burn with desire to be loved!” – Jesus to St. Margaret Mary

    Take care and God bless.

  93. Great site, brother! Your love for God emanates from the screen!

    May we always keep the thought of the greatness of God’s love at the forefront of our minds. Particularly the thought of a God, bound and in agony and later rendered dead because of His love for us. Who is there, when holding this thought in mind, could dare utter that our God is not a God of love, and does not love us? May the sight of the crucifix piece our hearts, that they be forever wounded with the Divine Love.

    In Jesus and Mary,

  94. Thank you for all the effort you have put into these articles. They are really lovely and extremely valuable reading. I will be sure to direct others here.

  95. This site is a God-send. Thank you soooo much, it has helped me and left me to think about things in regard to my scruprulosity xx

  96. You are welcome. I have listened to one of the podcasts on your website (podcast 6). I believe that it will assist scrupulous individuals. Thank you and God bless.

  97. You are most welcome, Kimberly! I am very pleased to hear that you have profited from reading about God’s immense love for you. May he continue to bless you here and hereafter! God bless.

  98. Thank you so much for making this blog. It has brought such joy to me and deepened my faith and my yearning for God’s Love and His joy. I have even cried in reading it. It is so beautiful, the messages of love from Jesus. God Bless you greatly.

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